Love: As a Concept.

Love. Believe it or not, I used to be quite the hopeless romantic. Still am, in some ways more than others. (I mean, I'm an English Literature student so I kinda have to be.) But I'd also say I'm a very monogamous person, and I like being in relationships more than I do being single. But being single for over two years now I've become used to having my own company, and not having to endure stupid arguments at 1am, or having to go through the turmoil of finding a present to get them for Christmas or their birthdays. I used to spend ages in shops looking for things to get my significant other when I realised that materialistic things, such as buying each other gifts, shouldn't show how much you love each other. Love should be more than that. Or maybe I'm just old-fashioned. Who knows. But I don't think love should be a representation of how much or how little you've bought someone something, just like I don't think love should be something people are...