My Theory of Soulmates

Some people have different opinions on love and how it comes around to them, concepts like 'right person wrong time,' or 'people who were supposed to be in your life will always gravitate back to you,' and etc. I agree with all of it, since I am a very big believer in fate and that everything in life happens for a reason, and the people you meet in your life will always come and make an impact on you to make sure you live the best life possible. Which is why I believe in the Theory of Soulmates, and that you will always have more than one particular soulmate in this world that you will eventually meet, and they will teach you something about yourself. Don't understand? Read further on...

Firstly, we are said to believe from a young age that everyone has a 'prince charming,' the one they will spend the rest of their lives with and live 'happily ever after with.' I don't believe that for a second despite what Disney has told me via the movies, so I believe that we have more than one 'Prince Charming,' or even a 'Princess Charming' in other ways.
I believe that you spend your whole life looking for that particular person to spend the rest of your life with that we have more than one. Your soulmate could be a guy that you spent your entire childhood with, or a guy older than you that you met at a concert when he spilt beer all down your top, or a girl that you kissed once and ended up falling in love with, or a guy you met on holiday and ended up leaving to chase his dreams. They all have a reason as to why they start and end, and all teach you something different in your life.
So far in my seventeen years, I could count three on one hand. All boys, all amazing guys - but for some reason didn't work out. All of the guys that I have been with have taught me something new, fresh and interesting about my life. One of those things being that I'm a girl who doesn't take no shit from anyone and that I can get really angry when I'm hungry (and that's still true to this day.)

Whether the life lessons be small things or big things, I have learnt that people come in and out of your life to make your life and experience within life longer, happier and even more eventful. I'm a girl that loves to have fun, and finds something new and interesting to add excitement to my life even if it ends up with me getting screwed - I live off of it. And the majority of the people I have loved in the past have been the reason for that. Therefore, if you're stuck thinking that you're never going to find your soulmate, don't worry, you will - you just don't know which one you're going to find first.


- E


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